Welcome to DYNAMICVISION Teambuilding

DYNAMIC VISION develops human potential through experiential learning. We are known in the industry for having a dynamic approach to making relationship building a priority.  Our Slogan 'Passionate about people!' gives expression to the way we operate.  We refer to our core business as - building strong healthy teams, positively influencing organizations, & changing people's lives.


DV believes in high levels of engagement and in turn engages teams where they are. We visit teams in their work place and seek to establish working solutions to challenges by focusing on their strengths and a best practice format


DV sets the tone to inspire teams to greatness, boldness and excellence. Our teams use the latest in psychological trends to motivate and inspire team members in their quest for unity, productivity & purpose


DV follows the Appreciative Inquiry model of organizational design and reconstruction. We believe – Words create Worlds and use affirmations to build brighter futures.

Trips to the Bush

Late Nights

Corporate Teambuilds

Man Hours Spent

What our clients are saying about US!

Dynamic Vision is proud to have worked with several different teams from various companies. We have a very strong presence in VWSA where we have conducted over 30 successful teambuild initiatives with the following teams over the last 9 yearsl

Words from our COO

Teambuilding is a true passion for me – Teams are the living cells in every company, family, organization or institution.  We love partnering with wonderful teams from companies like KPMG, Transnet, VWSA, NMMU etc. Even engaging the smaller clients to facilitate change & positive growth by focusing on positivity & strengths.   Teambuilding is more than fun & games, more than food & venues – it is the science of creating new worlds by shaping the ideas we create and the words we give life to.  I am so rich for having made so many friends though our work in this sphere of learning and support.  My motto - Exudare – Ooooze life and enthusiasm in everything you do!  DV ... we are passionate about people!